Pietersite Tumbled Stones 3 x Small Pieces In Drawstring Bag
Pietersite From Namibia ♥
Pietersite is a variety of Quartz, composed naturally of Tiger’s Eye, Hawk’s Eye and Jasper, and is characterized by an incredible chatoyancy and brilliance of life within the stone. Its dominant gold hues are contrasted with deep blue-black, grey and brown, as well as occasional clear areas. It was a recent discovery by Sid Pieters in Windhoek, Namibia, and is currently increasing in value.
- The beauty and essence of Storm is captured in Pietersite, with brilliant flashes of golden light amid churning clouds of deepest blue. Known as the Tempest Stone, its highly charged energy is almost tangible. Just as lightning clears the air and makes all things new, Pietersite discharges negative energies and emotional turmoil, and cleanses the aura, restoring it to calm.
- Pietersite is a powerful protection stone, especially against the elements. It calms nervous people and animals during storms.
- Pietersite has the ability to ground you, not to the earth but to the etheric body. This facilitates spiritual journeying , especially to read the Akashik Record.
- Pietersite is a stone of vision and can be used for vision quest or Shamanic Journeying. It works strongly with the body during moving meditations.
- It stimulates the third eye and the pineal gland.
- psychologically Pietersite promotes walking your own truth. It is extremely supportive and strengthening, aiding in speaking out.
You will receive 3 x small Pietersite Tumbled Stones in a lovely drawstring bag with a few pieces of loose sage to cleanse them with.
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