Eucalyptus 100% Essential Oil


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Ancient Wisdom Eucalyptus Essential Oil – Cleansing, helps to clear coughs and congestion

Sourced from the leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus oil is an expectorant, and helps relieve  respiratory and sinus problems caused by mucus. Eucalyptus is also used to revive tired, achy muscles and boosts circulation

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Eucalyptus 100% Essential Oil 10ml

Ancient Wisdom Eucalyptus Essential Oil – Cleansing, helps to clear coughs and congestion

Sourced from the leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus oil is an expectorant, and helps relieve  respiratory and sinus problems caused by mucus. Eucalyptus is also used to revive tired, achy muscles and boosts circulation.

  • For respiratory troubles, a few drops of eucalyptus oil placed on a cloth can be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose for half a minute.
  •  It soothes muscle and joint pains and helps to heal wounds, burns, ulcers and insect bites (dilute in a carrier oil).
  • When diffused, eucalyptus is said to promote activity, vitality and energy.
  • Eucalyptus stimulates the body’s immunity against infection.

Eucalyptus Globulus should only be used in low dilutions, since it may irritate the skin.

Toxic if taken internally!!

Eucalyptus essential oil can be used aromatically in your diffuser, topically (when diluted with a carrier oil).

Latin Name : Eucalyptus Globulus
Part Of Plant Used :
Leaves & Twigs
Source :
Extraction Method :
Steam Distillation

This is a very good quality essential oil.


Not recommended if  you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Do not use undiluted on the skin. Avoid contact with sensitive areas, such as eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use essential oils on children under 5 years old.

Toxic if taken internally!! Do not apply undiluted essential oils to your skin or into your bath water, use a carrier oil like grapeseed oil or almond oil to dilute your essential oil into first. This will ensure the essential oils are safe for your skin and it will ensure your essential oils will last longer too.

Additional information

Weight 0.010 kg


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